Film / Tv / Modelling: 

 Festival Heist - (Feature), Fish (Lead Role).pre production
The City of Hell - (Feature), Rieg (Gangster/Main Role), Vimeo Films, pre production

The Lady Felicity Mysteries  -  (Radio Drama Series / Voiceover),  Sergeant Geno Roy,
Prod - Royce Pentaghast, 2024/ 2025 recording
The Twelve / Season 3  -  (Binge Tv Series),  Senior Constable Howarth,  Easy Tiger Productions, 2024 
Scrublands  -  (Stan Tv Series),  9 News Reporter / Journalist,  Easy Tiger Productions, 2024 
Grit  -  (Neo Noir Short Film),  Detective Dixon (Lead Role),  Prod/Dir - Joshua Yates 2024
Today  -  (Short Film),  Chris,  Prod/Dir - Joshua Yates, 2024.
Alone  -  (Short Film),  Jo / Astronaut(Lead Role),  Prod/Dir - Joshua Yates, 2022
Royal Australian and New Zealand Institution for Pyschiatrists,  Roleplayer,  Interact, 2022
Royal Australian and New Zealand Institution for Pyschiatrists,  Roleplayer,  Interact, 2019
Aspects of Love - (Multi Media Project),  Voiceover role,  Prod-Jon Norton, 2019
Too Mixed Up / Dance On - (Music Video),  Dancer, Mixed Up Studios, 2019
The Cook - (Short Film),  Cook/Serial Killer (Lead Role) -  Prod/Dir-Jack Ruefli, 2019
EGG - (Short film),  Hermit (Leading role) -  Prod - Aidan Foulds, 2019
The Naked Wanderer  / Crazy About You (Feature),  Cameraman / News Crew - Alan Lindsay, 2019
Grand Theft Auto V - (short movie),  Robber 2 (leading role) - voiceover, 2018/19

Glory - (Short), John's Father / Ex Forces, Prod/Dir - Callum Fenton.

Lock Inn - (Thriller), Pilot-Webseries, Rob(Lead Role), Prod/Dir - Jack Simpson.

Anderson and Callahan - (Mystery/Drama), Detective Callahan (Lead Role), Prod - Abigail  Belsham.

The Devils Command - (Short), Landlord (Main Role), Prod/Dir - Roger Smith.

Set Me Free - (Feature), Dr Foster, Dir - Kris Smith - Epic Studios.

The Man In The Mirror - (Feature), Geoff (Main Role), Sir Dark Knight Films,  post prod.

All Sorts - (Mockumentary), Barry (Main Role),  

Blindsided - (Short), David (Hitman-Lead Role), Dir - Adam Sharp.

London's Past On Film - (PR Event) - Sgt Phillips (WW2 Soldier), Timereel Studios.

Danger Close - (Short), Sgt MacMillan (Lead Role), Prod / Dir - Thom Jones.

The Hounds - (Feature), Mike (Murder Squad Detective-Main Role), MovieDel Prods.

Tinker-Tailor-Soldier-Spy - (Feature), Russian Dignitary, Studio Canal Prod.

X-Men (First Class) - (Feature), Hellfire Highroller, Dir - Matthew Vaughn, Twentieth Century Fox

First Direct - (Internet Viral), Buddy, Mind's Eye Media,

Nudo Knife Block/Knives - (Infomercial), Myself (Demonstrator/Testimonial), JML / Sky Tv

The Awakening - (Feature), 1920's Arresting Police Officer, Origin Pictures, BBC

Clarks - (Commercial), Walk Tall Campaign, Outsider Ltd.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - (Feature), Wizard Parent, Warner Bros

'Harry & Paul' Series 3 - (TV), Arab Guest / Upperclass Gentleman, Tiger Aspect Prod, BBC Two

Commercial, Barber+RayStubbs / Kevin Keegan Stand In, Bruce Dunlop Associates. ESPN

Whitechapel II - (TV), Scene of Crime Officer, ITV Drama

Reynard City - (Annimated Series),Voiceover (Various Characters),Will Turner, S.M Entertainment Uk

Scum Tv - (Crime News Spoof/Web Series), Bruce - Presenter/On-Location Reporter, J.Jellings.

Keiyaku - (Crime/Thriller Short), Martins (Principle Role), Haus Prods

Sugaring - (Corporate-Promo Video/Web), Model/Actor, Carlton Institute-Health and Beauty

        Robin Hood - (Feature), Principle Archer/Barons Army Soldier, Dir - Ridley Scott, Merry Men Films Ltd

Baseline - (Feature), Charlie Hicks (Senior Prison Officer) Fourth Coulture Fims/Dangerous Prod

Seven Days - (Feature), P.Lewis (Prison Officer), Dir - Michael Winterbottom, Chnl 4 Tv Corporation

Britain's Biggest Heists . Brinks Mat Robbery - (Tv Series), Richard Holiday(Principle Role), Sky Tv

Off The Hook - (Tv), Mr K Leighton (Principle Restaurant Diner), BBC Three

Tiga . What You Need - (Music Video), Gallant Hero (Principle Role), Cassiano Prado, Agile Films

Art of Illusion - (Bodypainting Masterclass), Leading Model, Carolyn Cowan

Graveyard Shift - (Movie), Renegade Priest (Principle Role), Dir - Denise Channing, Goblin Films Ltd

Terror Nation - (Heist/Horror Feature) Johnny Valentine (Lead Role) Dir - Shane Mather, Masochist Pictures

Power of Three - (Feature), Principle Bar Patron, Power of Three Prods

The Fourth Wall - (Feature), Diego (Art/Theatre Goer), Barbican Prods

Dirty Dozen - (Short), WW2 Soldier(Principle Role), Lambda Films / Amber Models Uk

Art of Painting Clothing - (Bodypainting Masterclass), Leading Model, Carolyn Cowan

Stagger - (Feature), Tribb (Gangster J1 Crew Member), Paul Terry Thomas Easter, Films Uk Suffolk

The Rapture - (Feature), Bobby Dean (Terry Kramers Mourner), William Steel, Rapture Films Ltd

The Rifles. The General - (Music Video), The Bookie(Principle Role)

Biome - (Short), Sgt Curtis (Lead Role), Will McGregor, Evoke Films Norfolk

Ghosts of East Anglia - (Film/Tv Docu) Policeman/Victorian Gentleman (Lead Role) Independent Studios

Volkswagen - (Magazine Promo Shoot), Model, Amber Models Uk

The Secret of Eel Island 2 - (Tv Series), Simon Tate (Toxic Waste Disposer), Channel 5

Flood - (Feature), Cpl Millard (Leading Army Squad Member), Tony Mitchell, Flood Dvd Artwork

Ganglands. A Clear Conscience - (Feature), Phil (Heroin Addict), Paul Desira, Equilibrium Films

Basic Instinct 2 - (Feature), Peter Melhuish (Lab Researcher), Dir - Michael Caton Jones, C-2 Pictures

WIFI - (Commercial), Businessman (Lead Role), Cloud Nine Prods

HG Wells. War with the World - (Tv Series), Gorky's Russian Friend, BBC Four

Gay Times. Same Sex Weddings - (Still Photos), Leading Model

Children of Men - (Feature), Solidier/Riot Police, Dir - Alfonso Cuaron, Universal Pictures

Ornithology Promotional Shoot - (Still Photos), Model, British Trust of Ornothology

The Perfect Number - (Short), Mike(Lead Role), Reverse Thrust

Life Modelling - (Workshop), Lead Model, Norfolk Sculptors 

Assault on Waco - (Tv Feature/Docu), FBI Negotiator, Channel 4 / Discovery Channel

Tristram Shandy.A Cock and Bull Story - (Feature), Playing Film Crew Member, BBC Films

Street of Experience - (Short), Northern Councillor (Lead Role), Al Stokes.

Outlanders - (Feature), Pc Green (Policeman), Dir - Dominic Lees, Sterling Pictures

Jerry Springer - (Commercial), Main Role, Granada Tv

Black Bag Mission - (Short/Interactive), SAS Soldier (Leading Role), Independent Studios Uk

V for Vendetta - (Feature), Soldier, Dir - Wachowski Brothers, Silver Pictures

Hoby City - (Tv Series), Mike Williams (Hospital Porter), BBC 1

Agatha Christies Poirot - (Tv Series), Simon (Champagne Waiter), Granada Tv

The Paperboy - (Short), Shopkeeper, James Cassidy, BBC

Health, Hygiene and Safety - (Corporate), Chef (Leading Actor), VSI Med International

In Touch with Your Community - (Commercial), Businessman, Channel 4





Marquis De Sade - Priapus / Prostitiute / Baron, Crude Apache Theatre, Norwich.

A Christmas Carol - Fred(Scrooge's Nephew), Maddermarket Theatre, Norwich.

The Importance of Being Earnest - Lane(Butler), Maddermarket Theatre, Norwich.

Agatha Christies Poirot. Black Coffee - Policeman, Maddermarket Theatre, Norwich.

Lets Kill Agatha Christie - Policeman, Attleborough Players, Attleborough.




Education / Training:


Lamda Verse and Prose Grade 4.

Acting On Camera Workshop.

3x10wk acting courses(stage combat, improvisation, mime, synchronised movement/dance, stylised characterisation, 

communication) - Maddermarket Theatre.

12 week - Stop Frame Animation Course, Community Music East, Norwich.


Norfolk Life Festival, Live Storytelling Broadcast, BBC Norwich





Weapons Training, Stunt Fighting, Stage Combat, Archery,Voiceover work, Presenting,

Registered Model, Trained Chef / Chef De Patissier(26yrs), Scuba Diving(PADI),

Sky Diving, Mosaic Artist, Drawing, Poetry.















